169-26 Hillside Avenue Suite 204 Jamaica NY 11432
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Contact Us

    Math Captcha + 29 = 32

    Imperial Irish
    H# Mo-3, 1st Floor, Merul Badda, Dhaka – 1212

    Address : 169-26 Hillside Avenue Suite 204 Jamaica NY 11432
    Email : info@utshobgroup.com
    Phone 1 : 718-262-9795
    Phone 2 : 516-508-6698

    Imperial Irish
    Imperial Irish H# Mo-3, 1st Floor, Merul Badda, Dhaka – 1212
    Phone: +8802 9112178
    Mobile Phone : 01678623253, 01914917900

    Armadillo MUMB#41979
    8 parkway Avenue
    Sheffield S9 4WA
    +44 01144387767

    Utshob Group is one of the emerging conglomerates of Bangladesh. With Utshob.com the first cross-border e-commerce of Bangladesh, Utshob Group is currently operating in 45 countries, with its headquarters in New York, USA and a corporate office in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Bangladesh.

    Phone: +8802 9112178
    Mobile Phone : 01678623252, 01914917900
    Email: info@utshobgroup.com
    Trends come and go.
    Diamonds are forever.
    New York

    169-26 Hillside Avenue Suite 204 Jamaica NY 11432, United States


    Imperial Irish H# Mo-3, 1st Floor, Merul Badda, Dhaka – 1212


    Armadillo MUMB#41979 8 parkway Avenue Sheffield S9 4WA
    +44 01144387767